About/Contact Constant Baubling

This is a one-woman show here at Constant Baubling! I was born, raised, college educated and always proudly resided here in the metro Detroit area. I love my Michigan! I work hard, play hard, and try to remember to always appreciate even the little things in life- as it is so precious and every day is a gift. I love to share warmth, kindness and friendly conversation. I love to smile and try to do it often, without warning and at unsuspecting people!
Art in any form and expressing my creativity has been an integral part of my life and who I am, as far back as I can remember. I was lucky enough to grow up in Ann Arbor, Michigan- such a wonderful place and one that fosters free-thinking, creativity and art- and did it way before it was cool. As a middle and high school student I loved going downtown to the locally-owned small bead stores (a rarity back then!) looking for treasures to craft into jewelry.
In the spring of 2010, I took a huge leap of faith and officially opened my Etsy handmade jewelry shop. www.etsy.com/shop/constantbaubling About two years later, I was able to quit my other part time job and rock this jewelry thing full time. Woot! And who knew over TWELVE years later, I'd still be at it and just tickled to pieces about that! I proudly add "jewelry designer" and "owner of Constant Baubling" to my list of the many things that make me... ME!
I am having one heck of a time doing what I do, and feel incredibly blessed. And on top of it all, because of my shop, I have met some truly wonderful people and have the good fortune of having the absolute most darling people come to my shop, become return customers, write to me and chat, ask me to fulfill a vision for a special custom piece, etc. How fun is that?!
Phew- you made it this far? Thanks a whole bunch for stopping by and taking your time to read a little about me. Please feel comfortable contacting me with your questions or comments; I'm here to help!